Category: Plugin

Experimental Unity plugin released!

Today we have uploaded our experimental Unity Plugin!

It is basic, and it lacks things like our Universal Shader system, but its a good step!
Based on the .NET bindings by and a bit of tinkering, we made a good base for implementing Multi Platform VR support in Unity.
While technically able to support every platform OpenHMD supports, the first implementation is implemented for Windows 64-Bit and Linux 64-Bit, this due OpenHMD.NET not supporting Mac yet.
If you want to give Mac support a whirl, feel free to help out on the OpenHMD.NET bindings and extend the current system.

We chose to implement using their existing stereo pipeline using their Split Stereo Display hooks in their VR pipeline.
This method is used by Unity developers themselves to debug external HMD libraries and should be relatively optimized.

After some cleanup and testing , the Unity project will be uploaded as well to a Github repository.
Contributions are of course welcome, for now feel free to shout at me through my Email, Or join us at our IRC.